Membership and Publications

adult worker    AGM, Governance and Membership Application Documents

Past and current AGM Minutes including Chair and Treasurer Reports:

The following Governance documents are available for viewing:

The following Membership Application documents for new members may also  be downloaded/viewed/printed:

  • Application For Membership to RBKA + Giftaid 2024 [download as a Word file or view as a pdf]. For those that wish to join RBKA or renew membership as well as make a Gift Aid declaration. Please complete and return as explained on the form.
  • Application For Membership to RBKA 2024 [download as a Word file  or view as a pdf ] For those that wish to join RBKA, or renew membership, but who do not wish to make a Gift Aid declaration. 
  • Gift Aid forms 2024.  For new and old members who wish to complete a Gift Aid declaration so that RBKA can benefit from its membership of the Yorkshire Beekeepers’ Association, which is a registered charity [download as a Word file or view as a pdf ]

Completed forms may be emailed to:                                        


 Other Association links of Interest

honeyBulletins and news may be accessed through the Yorkshire [YBKA] and British [BBKA] Beekeeping Association websites, and following the appropriate links.

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