The Association has a numbers of books and pamphlets which are of general, specific and historical interest. The full list is shown below.

Members may borrow, indefinitely, any of these publications. Please contact John the Honorary Librarian for further information or if you wish to borrow anything. Volumes added in March 2024 are shown in blue, with thanks to Stuart Davison.

Loans are restricted to RBKA Members.

3Hardback Books


    • Beeswax, Brown, R [1981]
    • Honey by the Ton, Field, O [1983]
    • Honey Identification, Sawyer, R [1988]
    • Honeybees, a Guide to Management, Brown, R [1983]
    • The Art of Beekeeping, Hamilton, W [1988]
    • The Honeybees of the British Isles, Cooper, B A [1951]
  • The Observation Hive, Showler, K [1978]
  • Teach Yourself Beekeeping, Schofield, A N and Newman, W W [1958]
  • Beekeeping in Britain, Manley, R O B [1948]
  • The Boarder Bees – Anecdotes and Memoirs of Twenty Years 1940-1960, Weightman, C
  • Beekeeping Techniques, Deans, A S C [1963]
  • The Golden Throng – A Book About Bees, Teale, E W [1946]
  • Beekeeping Up-to Date, Ainsley, J [1945]
  • Bee-keeping Practice, Stuart, F S [1947]

Softback Books

  • A Book of Honey, Crane, E [1980]
  • A Case of Hives, Heath, L [1985]
  • A Taste of Honey, Wittick, B [1981]
  • About Bees and Honey, Althea [1979]
  • All About Mead, Andrews, S W [1982]
  • At The Hive Entrance, Storch, H [1985]
  • Beekeeping and the Law – Swarms and Neighbours, Frimston, D & Smith, D [1993]
  • Beekeeping Study Notes, Yates, J D & Yates, B D [1992]
  • Honey From Source to Showbench, Rounce, J [1990]
  • Honey in the Kitchen, White, J [1978]
  • Honey Marketing, Riches, H [1989]
  • Pest Control Safe for Bees, Walker, A [1986]Queen Rearing Simplified, Cook, Vince [1986]
  • Swarming, Snelgrove, L E [1955]
  • The Beekeepers Annual 1984
  • Home Honey Production, Bielby, W B [1977]
  • The New Varroa Handbook, Mobus, B & de Bruyn C [1993]5


  • A Guide to Swarm Control, Anon [undated]
  • Acarine, ADAS/MAFF [1983]
    Basic Honey Processing,
    Allan, M [1983]
  • Bee Stings and Adrenaline, Lalonde, T P [1957]
  • Beekeeping in Western Canada, Szabo, T I & Nelson, D L [1975]
  • Clearing Bees from Supers, Laker, C [1983]4
  • Foul Brood, ADAS/MAFF [1982]
  • Granulated or Crystalized Honey, Tonsley, C C [undated]
  • Judging Honey on the Jar, Tonsley, C C [undated]
  • Living with Varroa jacobsoni, Anon [1992]
  • Make Yourself a Nucleus Hive, Taylor, F A [1990]
  • Mead and Mead Making, Andrews, S W [undated]
  • Nosema and Amoeba – two diseases of adult bees, Anon [1982]
  • Operating and Observation Hive, Waring, A [1983]
  • Preparation of Liquid Honey, Tonsley, C C [undated]
  • Production and Exhibition of Comb Honey, Robson, W S [undated]
  • Queen Rearing, Anon [undated]Recipes Using Beeswax, Carter M [undated]
  • Success – Chance or Design?, Wix, P [1968]
  • 6The Beeway Code, Anon [undated]
  • The Price of a Pound of Honey, Hawthorne, G R [1968]
  • Varroa jacobsoni, host-parasite-pathogen interactions, Ball, B V [1995]
  • Varroasis – a parasitic disease of honeybees, Anon [1983]
  • Wax for Show, Padmore, F [undated]
  • Collected leaflets of beekeeping Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, MAFF [1924]
  • Honey – From Hive to Market , MAFF [1957]
  • Diseases of Bees, Bulletin No.100, MAFF [1946]
  • Beekeeping, Bulletin No.9, MAFF [1946] – 2 copies
  • Acarine Diseases in Hive Bees, Bulletin No. 36, North of Scotland College of Agriculture [1927]