Ryedale Beekeepers Association

RBKA Privacy Notice

About us…

RyedaleP1020982 Beekeepers Association [RBKA] members live between Sutton Bank, Thornton le Dale,  Swinton and the southern dales of the North York Moors. Indoor meetings are held in Wombleton Village Hall and in nearby villages with other local societies. Registered and Partner Members benefit from its affiliation to the Yorkshire and British Beekeepers Associations. It is governed by a concise Constitution.

 Activities currently include:


Membership usually runs annually from the AGM in November. If you wish to join at other times of the year, it can be arranged. Subscriptions for 2024 are:

  • Registered Member £30.00 – Members of RBKA who are registered with the British Beekeeping Association [BBKA] and Yorkshire Beekeeping Association [YBKA] and have full access to their resources and public liability insurance. This class of membership now also includes bee disease insurance with BDI. This covers three hives initially. BDI premiums are paid in respect of the calendar year, 1st January to 31st December. Insurance cover becomes effective each year from the time that the member’s association receives his or her membership subscription and additional premiums. Further details on the BDI website.
    • Insurance BDI premiums added to Registered Member fee to cover additional hives are shown below:
      • Up to 5 hives +£1.20
      • Up to 10 hives +£4.70
      • Up to 15 hives +£7.75
      • Up to 20 hives +£9.50
      • Up to 25 hives +£11.10
      • Up to 30 hives +£13.60
      • Up to 35 hives +£16.10
      • Up to 39 hives +£18.10
  • Partner Member £21.50 – living at the same address as a Registered Member with the same benefits but no BBKA Newsletter or BDI.
  • Associate Member £4.00 – full membership of RBKA aimed at those who:
    • Are already a member of another Beekeeping Association,
    • Who keep bees but do not wish for YBKA or BBKA affiliation and benefits,
    • Those who do not keep bees but have an interest in beekeeping and would like to attend RBKA functions and events
  • Junior Member [Free] – Junior Members [under 18] may come to indoor meetings and apiary visits but have no YBKA or BBKA benefits, if these are required then a fee is payable. All Junior Members must be accompanied by a responsible adult when attending meetings and visits.

Details of the rights and benefits of the different classes of membership are available as a table [Membership categories 2020] and application forms including Gift Aid if needed, can be found on the Membership and Publications page

RBKA Privacy Notice may be found from this link – RBKA Privacy Notice – 25 May 2018DSC_0114


The Association has a full programme of indoor and outdoor activities, which include guest speakers, joint meetings with other groups and societies and apiary visits. The 2024 Programme includes technical and general topics and the apiary visits include a trip to the Moors – weather permitting!

For further information, please contact: enquiries@ryedalebees.co.uk


RBKA Privacy Notice

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